Securitization is another financial innovation that has impacted financial markets arguably more than anything else in the recent past . It has provided new business models for banks , access to capital to many but has also caused dramatic amounts of systemic risks and pain especially during the housing market crashes
In this article i try to explore the mechanics , benefits and issues with securitization , in simple language.
What the heck is securitization
What does a bank do:
If you are a bank , then your primary job is to extend credit to your customers . Credit can be in form of different kinds of loans e.g. housing , car, credit card etc. You find the money to fund this loans through deposits from other customers . So a bank essentially transforms excess savings into usable capital . In this way it keeps the economy moving by allocating resources where it generates jobs , business , growth etc.
Risk in Balance Sheet
All these loans are assets in the bank's balance sheet, i.e. they are the source of future income for the bank. However so is the risk associated with these loans. For e.g. if you default on your loan then the bank directly makes a loss. I have explained in my fixed income blog earlier , that is called credit risks. Banks do naturally price a loan considering these risks and as a result will lend cheaper to a credit-worthy individual vs a risky individual . However the risk still remains with the bank. What if , there was a way in which banks could get rid of this risk altogether ? Surely that will find some takers
That is where securitization comes in.
Getting rid of balance sheet risk
What if the banks could sell these assets to individuals (like shares in the stock market) ? The banks could just originate the loan (i.e. lend to a worthy individual and price it based on analysis of risk etc.) and then sell it to investors . Banks could then make money out of these loans , and also get rid of the risk (which will now lie with the investors) . It seems viable , but there is only one small issue - why should an investor buy this ? What is in for them . The answer is - nothing great , as a small investor i dont want to fund someone else's loans as its too risky and too concentrated.
However as an investor , if i can get my hand on a security that is highly diversified , i.e. it contains small pieces of loans of several individuals (not a single loan to a single person) , then it reduces my risk - the chance of one person's default is much higher than 100 people defaulting together , and thats the risk reduction achieved through the diversification
So if a bank can break its total portfolio of loans into small diversified pieces - it can create a market for it , to sell them almost like shares of its loan portfolio to other investors .
This is securitization
How to securitize
This is where it will get complex . We will need to understand what is an SPV - a special purpose vehicle.
An SPV is a separate entity , which is sponsored by the bank , but is bankruptcy remote - i.e. it is unaffected by any financial difficulty faced by its sponsor .
The loans the bank originates are sold to this SPV, in exchange the SPV pays cash to the bank . So now the bank has gotten rid of the loans and they have got their money back . But where is this money that the SPV pays the bank comes from ?
Remember the SPV is a paper entity , so where does it get the cash to pay the bank for the loans it purchases ? Answer is, it issues debt , which is backed by these loans - this debt is the securitized asset as shown in figure 1 .
So economically an end investor buys secured debt , (which is backed by portfolio of loans) and receives their share of the loan repayments as coupon , its as simple as that.
Key benefits are as follows
- An SPV structure means the securitized debt has risk characteristics only defined by the underlying loans . It has nothing to do anything with the sponsoring bank. This is credit enhancement and protects the investors from any financial difficulty or bankruptcy of the sponsor. Credit enhancement is also achieved through overcollateralization ( e.g. issues ABS of 90m for 100m pool of loans) and the infamous tranche technique , where senior debt are subordinated by mezzanine and equity tranches providing a further cushion from some degree of defaults
- Breaking down whole loans of big size into small packets of secured debt creates a market for investors. This transforms an otherwise illiquid asset into a liquid one. This also means banks can provide more credit to the economy than otherwise and this provides almost a liquidity injection to the economy
- Another aspect is risk reduction . The secured debt available to investors is a package with pieces of several loans. This diversification minimizes idiosyncratic risk of any individual borrower. However systemic risk still remains (i.e. a general economic collapse). In a systemic event everybody defaults and the asset is hurt, but this is rarer event than an individual default. This also helps the bank to earn the spread for the idiosyncratic risk , which it receives but do not need to pay out.
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